Butsudan for Omamori-Gohonzon

The Omamori-Gohonzon should be as well protected as the scroll we keep at home in our Butsudan.
We have developed a special tiny model.

Omamori-Butsudan made of organic plastic (also with a processed surface in a wooden look)

Included: wooden box for safe transport and tilt base

With an opening side flap and steering rale to fit the Omamori straight in.

Also with lightening on request

The tiny Butsudan

Even when traveling or visiting Naitokus, it is nice if the small Butsudan has an attractive design. Our Butsudan for Omamori is constructed after our Fuji model. It was designed exactly to the size of the Omamori Gohonzon. Thanks to its construction and pretty design, the Omamori-Butsudan can be kept next to the Butsudan at home. There are different colors and materials to choose from: natural plastic (corn starch) and wood (wood and natural additives).

Mesures in centimeter:

Hight = 11 cm, depts = 3 cm, width = 7 cm

Cost (inkluding box and tilt base)

Omamori-Butsudan made of natural plastic 38.- CHF

Omamori-Butsudan wooden look: 58.- CHF

Lighting on request: + 20.-CHF

Please order via mail: ckosinar@gmx.de